ISEN Yncrea Ouest

Brest Campus – Brittany region


Master's degree in Engineering Sciences (CTI accredited).

ISEN Master’s degree focuses on Sciences and Digital Tech and trains engineers to meet the needs of companies in a wide range of sectors: energy, aeronautics, computer science, robotics, environment, health technologies, management & electronical mobilities.


TOTAL HOURS 750 hours


ISEN Ouest is a 5-year post-baccalaureate engineering school that trains engineers in the digital, energy and environmental transitions. By offering an original teaching approach (numerous projects, possible bridges between courses during the first 3 years, strong presence of human and social training in the curriculum), ISEN trains engineers who are as close as possible to the demands of companies. The fields of application range from health technologies, the environment, clean transport, energy, connected robotics and agriculture, to digital technologies such as cybersecurity and AI.

Under contract with the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, accredited by the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur, a member of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles and recognised at the European level by Erasmus+, it awards the title of ISEN engineer Master’s degree to students trained on its campuses in Brest, Caen and Nantes.

In India, ISEN Ouest is a partner of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Patna and Parul University.

FEES of the Classes Internationales

Year Master's degree in Engineering Sciences (any track)
Classes Internationales
5205 €
Y1 Successful completion of international class gives access to Y2
Y2 4040 €
Y3 9000 €
Y4 9000 €
Y5 9000 € or 0 € if Apprenticeship status
Grand total 36245 € euros without apprenticeship in Y5
27245 € euros with apprenticeship in Y5

Additional cost(s): French Student Life Contribution fees (approx. 110 €).


ISEN Ouest has been awarded the « Bienvenue en France » label at the 2-star level by Campus France. This label rewards the excellence of our services to international students, including recruitment, welcome, integration, and support during and after their studies.

ISEN International Relations Team welcomes and helps international students to settle down upon arrival. In the city of Brest, connected by an international airport and high speed trains, studio apartments are available nearby with good transport connections to the city center. Really close to ISEN, several university self-service restaurants with different choices of menu are open for lunch and dinner.

Estimated living expenses: 700 €/month including accommodation, food, local transportation and health.

ISEN Ouest enjoys a very dynamic student life with over 30 clubs : “junior enterprise”, music, robotics, electronics, sports club etc., and has a very active Students’ Union organising a wide variety of activities.

University CALENDAR

Academic Intake: 1

Academic Calendar: Beginning of September 2025 to end of June 2026.

CONTACT: For details on the programme, application process etc: