École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes (ENSCR)

Bretagne, Rennes


Master Degree in Chemical & Process Engineering Degree

These state-recognized degrees enable graduates to pursue careers as chemical engineers in the industry or to continue their studies toward a doctoral degree.

Chemical engineers are highly sought after in a wide range of sectors: general chemistry, petrochemistry, pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics, polymer and plastic materials, food chemistry, environmental engineering … And moreover, the highly innovative fields of renewable energy, green chemistry, and sustainable chemistry are gaining increasing significance

In all these sectors, the chemical engineer will perform functions that involve product design and development, technical analysis, project management, interdisciplinary collaboration, risk assessment, personnel training, as well as process optimization and continuous improvement.


TOTAL HOURS 350 hours


For more than 100 years, the ENSCR has been training general chemical engineers for all companies, for all production, services, engineering and management professions, for French, European and global industry. Recognized and in high demand in the job market, the chemical engineers graduated from ENSCR are able to carry out projects at national and international level in full autonomy. In 2020, the ENSCR entered the Shanghai international ranking.

ENSCR is part of the national network of 20 higher schools of chemistry. Through these schools, engineering students can be trained in all areas of chemistry and process engineering.

FEES of the Classes Internationales

YEAR Integrated preparatory class Master
Y0 Classes Internationales 4000 € X
Y1 2850 € X
Y2 2850 € X
Y3 X 3879 €
Y4 X 3879 €
Y5 X 3879 €
Grand total 13700 € 21337 €


ENSCR provides students with all the essential information regarding their arrival, including details on accommodation, transportation, social security and all university services (restauration, medical services, ...). Students have the option to book a room at the public residence (CROUS) or in one of the private residences.

Throughout their studies, students are supported and assisted by the educational team and the administrative service personnel. Each student has a personal faculty advisor who provides support and guidance. Frequently, information meetings are held regarding the fields of activity of chemical engineers and internship opportunities in France and abroad.

There is also a very active student association that offers various cultural and sporting activities, as well as humanitarian projects and academic support initiatives among students.

University CALENDAR

Academic Intake: February 2025

Class period: February 2025 to June 2025

CONTACT: For details on the programme, application process etc: [email protected]